Monday, April 26, 2010

The Week in Advance (4/26/10)

This week, like the last few weeks, I need to be taking it easy as much as possible because of my placenta previa. Therefore, I am looking forward to lots of snuggle and reading time with my babies. Braedon is loving our new afternoon routine where we snuggle on the couch and read books until he falls asleep. Kaley is my little cuddle bug especially because she hasn't felt great lately (teeth, I think).

In addition to the snuggle and reading time, I have been itching to implement "calendar time", which I have been reading about on several different homeschool blogs. I am totally the sort of person that would put together everything I need for this entire calendar activity in one day if I had the capacity for that. But, since I can't do too much right now I have decided on two easy things I can put together and implement now. They are the days of the week and the weather activity from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

I really like the idea of incorporating a song into the days of the week lesson and I like the days of the week song she refers to. We also have one that we like that goes like this:

Every single day of the week I like to read a book
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Every single day of the week I like to sing a song
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Every single day of the week I go to bed and sleep
and when I wake up, it's the very next day,
the very next day of the week

Maybe we will use both, or one or the other...we'll see.

There is also a neat letter/bible verse cirriculum at Totally Tots. We started with "A" last week and have been reciting the verse and putting the cut out words in order to create the verse (sort of like a puzzle).

The kids and I will have some bible reading time incorporated into our snuggle time. As a family, we will continue to have family bible reading time following dinner. Andrew and I would also like to implement some intentional prayer time as a family. So, we will be discussing what this looks like for us and hopefully implementing that this week.

Lastly, this is my last week of working outside the home two days a week, which was reluctantly ok'd by the doctor just because I only have two days left. I am not quite sure what he would have said if I had been planning on keeping that schedule. But, I am glad it is a non-issue. We are so excited! Thank God so much that His plan for our lives involves me being at home full-time!

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