Friday, December 24, 2010

Birthday Party for Jesus

This is the first year that I have kids old enough to start to "get it." So, I really wanted to start some traditions that would celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ is the most precious gift EVER. Therefore, I thought it only appropriate that we begin our celebration on Christmas morning by being intentional about celebrating Him. We have a little birthday party planned. Muffins will substitute as cupcakes. We will sing "happy birthday, Jesus". We will present our gifts to Jesus with prayers of gratitude that we have the resources to give and do for others. Read through the Christmas story. Explain to the children why they are receiving gifts. Then, watch them open gifts...

I ran across this post and love it. Wanted to share it since it has some great ways in teaching Christ and keeping Him in the center of our lives at Christmas and everyday!

1 comment:

Jennifer Hilland said...

I want to do traditions too girl. Next year is going to be a little more involved. We have started doing three gifts (each or combined) from Santa to represent the three wise men. And we're not going to wrap the santa gifts, more than likely, and definitely removing any packaging so there's not association with "new" or "price". Gonna find a good, and understandable, Christmas story to read on Christmas morning and will try to find a way, a personal way, to help someone in need. This way it's not all about getting, we get to think a lot about giving as well. I love hearing about others doing similar things so Christmas isn't as commercialized. Thanks for sharing!!