Friday, December 10, 2010

(Un)Forgetful Friday

-Braedon and I were reading a book called Hurray for Heroes. I asked Braedon if he knew what a hero was and we discussed that a little bit. Then I asked him who the best hero of all is to which he replied, "Jesus." YAY :-)
-We were watching Super Why the other day and Kaley was standing next to the TV. Wyatt asked which word was the word "less" out of three words that were displayed on the screen. Kaley points to the word less and turns to me and says "less."
-I wanted to take our family picture for our Christmas card the other day. I have learned that if I talk about something all day with the kids they will respond better when the event comes up. So, all day I was saying, "When daddy comes home we are going to go stand by the Christmas tree and take pictures." So, when daddy came home, Braedon ran to get his toy camera. He went and stood next to the Christmas tree and started *taking* pictures of us (not standing next to the Christmas tree). I guess I should have rephrased it since kids are so literal. :-) It was pretty funny!
-Braedon and I had the neatest conversation about God the other day. We talked about how God is everywhere. Braedon asked if he was hiding. I got to explain that no he is not hiding. We can't see him but we know he is always there and that is called faith. Thank you God for the sweet opprotunity to share you with my kids!
-Braedon grabs Garrett's hand and shakes it while saying, "nice to meet you Garrett."
-Braedon says, "Garrett's a sweet baby" in a high pitched, super-sweet voice. It is almost the cutest thing ever.

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