I mentioned last week that we were starting Before Five In A Row but have decided now that I am going to hold off on that until we are finished with the bible cirriculum for 3 year olds from abcjesuslovesme. I am still very excited about B4FIAR. However, as I was praying about God being in the center of our homeschool, I heard His voice and know that I am supposed to be prioritizing teaching my children about Him above anything else. I know that me teaching them about Him can occur every moment of every day. But, I wanted to start structured bible teaching too. Something really neat is that the abcjesuslovesme cirriculum has a book of the week with suggested activities (conceptually like B4FIAR). So, we get to do a lot of literature based learning outside of the bible.
A couple of highlights:
I found pencil top erasers in all different colors and I thought it might be something new and different that Kaley would be interested in. I gave them to her with a clear plastic container and she loved them...and so did her big brother. I ended up having to divide them up so they could each have some to play with.
She took the lid off and on.
She dumped the erasers out and then put them back in.
Then, she picked up the itty bitty shovel that was laying nearby and started putting the erasers on the shovel and dumping them in the lid.
First, Braedon put the erasers on his fingertips.
Then, he stuck them all together and made a big long string.
Lastly, he stood them all up by color in a long line.
By then, it was time to switch Kaley to a different activity. I have this neat piece of cardboard with small holes in it. I got the pom poms out and showed Kaley how to put a small pom pom in each little hole. She liked it...
and so did her big brother.
Then, I thought to myself that I really need to figure out the balance between sharing and working together on something and being firm with Braedon about not dominating everything I try to do with Kaley. Any suggestions?
We did some more painting, Here is Kaley taking a brush to a Totally Tots printable.
Braedon and I played letter bingo, which he loved! I got this letter printable from Early Childhood Printables.