Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Book Club

Andrew and I decided to start our own little book club. I think it is kind of neat that we are our own little club...just the two of us. We are choosing a book to read together, figuring out how to break it down into weekly reading, then coming together once a week to discuss it. This will provide topics for meaningful conversations and give us some dedicated "study" time together. So, we have chosen our first books, which we have both been taught concepts from but never actually read. I always like to take the opportunity to let people smarter than me give me advice even if I feel like I have "heard" it before. There is definitely something to be said for studying it on your own. So, he is reading "For Men Only" and I am reading "For Women Only". We have each read our first chapters and are going to discuss it later today. We still haven't totally worked out the logistics but generally we will just pull out topics that were particularly interesting or rang true discuss and apply to our lives. I think after we are finished with these books we will study the same book and right now it is a toss up between "Sheet Music" and "Revolutionary Parenting".


Victoria said...

Before Robby and I got married we did that - we read "His Needs, Her Needs," "Five Love Languages" and a John Eldridge book (I can't remember which one. This was a GREAT way to learn about each other. Good luck with it!

Carrie said...

Great idea on the book club thing. My hubby and I would suggest the John & Stasi Eldridge books: 'Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul' and 'Wild at Heart'. The go together very well and makes for some very interesting and connecting conversations.