Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Being A Life-Giver V/S Keeping It Real

I have been wanting to write this post for a long time because I have been struggling with what to share and what not to share with people in person, on Facebook, in blogland...wherever. I want so much to be a life-giver but I also want to be real, transparent. What does being a life-giver mean? To me, it means speaking only words that are meant to build up instead of tear down. It is having eternal value conversations instead of meaningless chatter. It is having a spirit of joy and thankfulness instead of a spirit of complaining. What does keeping it real mean? It means that life isn't perfect and that sometimes I experience difficult situations or things don't turn out like I want them to. I think it is important to keep it real if I am to be completely transparent. It is super important to be a life-giver if I want to represent Christ-likeness. I have yet to find the absolute answer but I think that it is possible to keep it real with a life-giving spirit. I must always be extremely aware of my tone and attitude when speaking of anything, especially difficult topics. I want to be intentional and seek to glorify God with my words, at all times, even if I have to keep it real. To those closest to me, please hold me accountable in this!

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