Monday, March 14, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays (26-50)

26. Hearing very clearly from God when I call out to Him
27. Laid back mornings when this can happen

28. When my kids show love to each other
29. Indoor picnics (and when my kids play together peacefully like doing this puzzle)

30. Not being a slave to creditors
31. That God "gently leads those that have young" (Isaiah 40:11)
32. The Bible
33. National Center for Biblical Parenting
34. MOPS
35. Dave Ramsey
36. Relationships
37. Family time
38. Teacher's who love on my kids during church
39. Movies
40. Early bedtimes
41. Exercise
42. Spring-like days
43. God given purpose
44. Restful, peaceful times when I don't have to do anything except stare into my baby's sleeping face
45. Hearing Braedon tell stories
46. Inspiring weekends
47. Love based parenting
48. That God opens my heart to accept the fact that I need LOTS of work
49. God is working on me
50. Thank God that He is not finished with me yet

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