- Bible Study
- Days of the Week
- Weather Chart
- Bible Reading
- Prayer Time
- Bible Verse (staying with the letter Dd this week)
- Snuggle Time
- Tot School
One thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is how to get alone time with Kaley. Braedon and I get alone time while Kaley is napping because she naps significantly longer than he does. I also have been getting the feeling that Braedon needs to learn to play by himself in his bedroom. So, I will be thinking more and trying out some roomtime for Braedon and at the same time alone time for mama and Kaley.
I will be researching more healthy meals to feature on this blog each Wednesday! We are also trying to figure out how to make the kid's lunches healthier instead of feeding them pre-prepared, boxed lunches or pizza. (Confession: I started buying them just for backup in case we were having the type of day where I wanted to just microwave something for lunch. But, that soon turned into me making them for lunch all the time).
I am having this nagging feeling that I am focusing a lot on teaching and blessing my children. I know that I need to focus on being a blessing to my husband as my first priority. So, I will be praying about that and hopefully will come up with some new ideas in that area this week too.
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